Welcome new AmeriCorps Members!

Please help us welcome our new AmeriCorps members for the 2022-23 service year!

Myrriah Crowley, Restoration Associate

Myrriah grew up in the redwoods of California and moved to the PNW several years ago to explore the wild and wonderfully biodiverse region. She came to Skagit Fisheries after graduating from Western Washington University with a degree in Environmental Science and emphasis in Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecology; and previously, she earned a degree in Horticulture with an emphasis on Organic Ag and Crop Production at Cabrillo College in CA. She enjoys gardening, foraging, hiking, good food and cold water. Among many things, Myrriah is excited to build a relationship with the community that keeps our waters, salmon, people and environment healthy and thriving here in the Salish Sea.







Kenzie Kesling, Education Associate

Kenzie is a Pacific Northwest native as she was born and raised in the greater Tacoma area. She is a recent graduate of Western Washington University with a Bachelors of Science in Biology/Anthropology and a Bachelors of Arts in Spanish. At WWU, Kenzie was a student leader and spent three years working in the dorm as a Resident Advisor. In her spare time, Kenzie likes to read, write, draw, and explore local shops/eateries. She is a history buff and her favorite book series are the Harry Potter books. Kenzie is excited to be a part of the SFEG team and help serve the Skagit community.