Project Spotlight: Swede Creek Fish Passage Improvement
This project worked with a private landowner to complete a fish passage barrier removal project on Swede Creek; a tributary to the Samish River north of Sedro-Woolley. Using Family Forest Fish Passage Program funds, SFEG removed four undersized culverts that were creating a barrier to fish passage for coho salmon, steelhead trout, and sea-run cutthroat trout. A 40 ft steel bridge replaced these culverts, creating instant passage for salmon upstream. The Swede Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project built upon a previous downstream fish barrier removal project completed two years prior.
This latest project, completed in 2021, opened fish access to an additional 0.7 miles of high-quality spawning and rearing habitat in Swede Creek including a 6-acre pond, and over 80-acres of wetland habitat.
After project completion, volunteers documented over 100 coho salmon spawning in Swede Creek for the first time in many years. Salmon are returning thanks to working with private landowners to remove these fish passage barriers along on Swede Creek at two locations. SFEG completed the first project in 2019, but salmonids did not make their way back into this Skagit tributary until the completion of the 2021 leg of this project.
Juvenile trout found in Swede Creek
Before the fish passage barrier removal project
After the undersized culverts were removed and the bridge was installed