Saying Farewell to Our AmeriCorps, and Hello to New Beginnings

Every year, mid July sneaks up on us at Skagit Fisheries as a bittersweet time. This is the time of year where our Washington Conservation Corps (WSC) AmeriCorps members’ terms end, and the time comes for them to move on from their positions at Skagit Fisheries. Each September through July, we get the opportunity to grow alongside two individuals – our WSC Restoration Associate and our WSC Education Associate. These past ten and a half months, Connor Garrod and Clare Spain filled these roles, and this is what they had to say about their terms:


“When I was a vegetation monitoring intern with Skagit Fisheries back in 2022, I knew that the Restoration Associate position was something I wanted to pursue after I graduated from college. I feel so incredibly grateful that that dream came true for this year! The amount of information and skills I gained during this position is priceless.

Clare and Connor at Pomona Grange Park

I’ve learned a lot of skills this year, as well as learning a lot about myself. I grew up spending time outdoors, but never working through tougher elements. Week after week of walking a stream for spawner surveys, I could feel my body adapting and becoming used to having uneven ground, fluctuating water levels, and varying heights of logs to go over and under. Cutting open fish was something that scared me, but by the end of the season didn’t faze me. This position also helped improve my shyness and bring me out of my shell. From talking to people at outreach events to fundraising for planting parties to helping teach kiddos, I now feel comfortable with talking to people of all ages. I am so grateful for all the people I met and worked with during my term, as their insight has aided so much to the experiences I’ve had. I didn’t think I would ever be comfortable around types of machinery, but after building a 40-foot pedestrian bridge and using a brush cutter for mechanical site maintenance, I feel a bit stronger in that area! Overall, I’ve learned that my limits are larger than I think. The resilience of the salmon and native species we’ve witnessed all year long has really seemed to rub off on me.


The time to leave is bittersweet, with leaving my coworkers who have become friends and losing access to the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to, but having so much to look forward to. Both personally and professionally, I’ve labeled this chapter of my life “the best year yet”. The ‘yet’ part is key, as I look forward to using all I’ve gained this year. I will be starting my master’s degree at Northern Arizona University this coming fall, studying the effects of climate change on Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests and how to make them more resilient. I am looking forward to spending more time with my family, as well as discovering my hometown all over again as an adult.” – Connor Garrod, Restoration Associate


Connor, Clare, and Holly pulling ivy at Cottonwood Island




Connor and Clare, planting party extraordinaires, in matching gray rain jackets

“When I accepted the Education Associate position with Skagit Fisheries  in May of 2023 I had no idea the scope of all that I would learn and experience. After graduating college in December 2022, I was working as an environmental educator in Maryland, where I grew up. I fell in love with teaching and being outside all day. The curiosity of my students inspired me, and I decided I wanted to pursue this field in a new part of the United States. Skagit Fisheries gave me that opportunity and so much more.


When I moved to Washington I had no knowledge regarding salmon. Now looking back in July, I can see clearly how much I have learned. I have met so many amazing people of all ages and walks of life ranging from elementary students to the public at outreach events. In more cases than not, I found myself filling the role of student. Just a few of the awesome experiences I have had in my 10.5 month term have been raising coho, beach seining, stewarding restoration sites, planting trees, and seeing salmon spawn. I got out of my comfort zone many times this year. I never thought I would be able to help plan events as big as Earth Day and Trivia Night, but with the guidance I received at Skagit Fisheries I was able to do all of this. I am grateful for all the people I have met this year and how this position has helped me solidify what I hope to accomplish for the rest of my career. 

Following my term I hope to continue working as an environmental educator.  I decided that my time in Washington is not over yet, and will be extending my stay for a bit longer. I look forward to the opportunity to grow more and expand on the experiences I have gained as an AmeriCorps member at Skagit Fisheries.” – Clare Spain, Education Associate


Thank you both for your hard work and enthusiasm this year – you will be missed, but we can’t wait to see what you both go on to do in the future!

-Holly Henderson, Communications and Development Coordinator