2023 DeBay’s Slough Planting Party November 18

Debay's Slough Wildlife Area 22767 Francis Rd, Mt Vernon, WA, United States

Join us Saturday, November 18 to plant trees at DeBay's Slough in partnership with WDFW! This event is located at the WDFW Johnson-DeBay Swan Reserve, 22767 Francis Rd, Mount Vernon, WA.  Follow the drive to the far end parking area (not the first parking lot you see from the road). Discover Pass requirement waived while […]


Salmon Sightings Mud Creek

Camp Lutherwood 1185 Roy Rd, Bellingham, WA, United States

Join us Saturday, December 2 to search for the kokanee of Mud Creek. These pocket-sized sockeye are adorable and fun to watch.  No guarantees with wild animals, but we will see what we can find!  Visit the camp canteen building to make some fishy holiday crafts and enjoy refreshements provided by the camp staff. Where: […]


Children’s Museum Salmon Release

Northern State Recreation Area 25625 Helmick Rd, Sedro-Woolley, United States

This past February, we placed 200 coho eggs in the fish tank at the Children's Museum of Skagit County. We released a good number of these babies into the wild throughout the year, leaving us with about a dozen coho fry left at the museum. Now these salmon babies are ready to venture out into […]

CANCELED Martin Luther King Jr. Day Planting Party

Carey's Slough 48°31'48.3"N 121°59'15.7"W, Sedro-Woolley, United States

In the interest of volunteer safety and comfort, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our January 15th event due to inclement weather. While it seems like it is in fact going to warm up a bit before Monday, it does not seem like it will be warm enough to safely hold this event, […]

Education Volunteer Spring Training

Northern State Recreation Area 25625 Helmick Rd, Sedro-Woolley, United States

Join us Tuesday, February 13 for a brief training in how to help with Salmon in the Classroom spring field trips.  We'll be releasing salmon fry and completing service-learning projects along the stream.   A morning Zoom meeting will introduce new volunteers to our edcation programs.  An afternoon field session will show new and returning […]

Carey’s Slough Planting Party Feb 17

Join us Saturday, Feb 17 to plant wetland plants at Carey's Slough in Hamilton.  These plants will contribute to the water quality and salmon habitat restoration efforts in the greater Carey's Slough and Carey's Creek system, providing habitat for many animal species. All ages and experience levels welcome.  This site is accessed by a wooded […]

Potting Party Feb 24

SFEG Native Plant Nursery 21109 Kelleher Road, Burlington, WA, United States

Join us Saturday, February 24 for our first potting event of the season!  Help us get young plants into pots where they will grow large enough to be planted at future restoration sites next year. Where: Skagit Fisheries Nursery at 21109 Kelleher Rd, Burlington When: 10am-1pm Please dress for the weather; we will provide work […]

Potting Party March 2

SFEG Native Plant Nursery 21109 Kelleher Road, Burlington, WA, United States

Join us Saturday, March 2 for our second potting event of the season!  Help us get young plants into pots where they will grow large enough to be planted at future restoration sites next year. Where: Skagit Fisheries Nursery at 21109 Kelleher Rd, Burlington When: 10am-1pm Please dress for the weather; we will provide work […]

Drop-In Potting Party

SFEG Native Plant Nursery 21109 Kelleher Road, Burlington, WA, United States

Interested in joining us for a Potting Party but can’t make it out on a Saturday? Join us on a Thursday! We will be at our native plant nursery on March 7, 21, 28 and April 4, 11, and 25 (all Thursdays). No registration required, just drop by if you feel like it! We will […]