Lorenzan Creek Fish Rescue
Kyle, Sue and SFEG’s brand new WCC member Taylor have been having a grand time recently helping the Town of Concrete safely remove fish from Lorenzan Creek to accomplish some long-deferred maintenance. Dredging is never a good solution, and we are very pleased that Mayor Jason Miller is strongly supporting a long-term solution that would daylight the creek and hopefully result in some substantial improvements to habitat. In the meantime, since flooding not only affects local residents, but also frequently results in both juvenile and adult salmon being stranded in yards, roads and ditches, SFEG is working with the town to ensure fish that currently reside in the creek are relocated to undisturbed habitat. We have enjoyed working with Rich, Tom and Dale from the Concrete Public Works Department, plus a cadre of staunch volunteers both from the Town and SFEG’s hardcore “regulars”. A big shout out to Ray H., who took three days’ vacation to help, since he sees first-hand the problem flooding causes in his own backyard. We’ve rescued dozens of juvenile coho salmon and resident cutthroat trout from the work area over the past few days.