View our latest posts: From the Field

Meet Phil Kincare | US Forest Service

Phill Kincare has worked with the US Forest Service for 37 years, and his last 16 with the Skagit Wild and Scenic River Program. During his tenure and beyond, Phill has collaborated with local non-profits such as Skagit Land Trust, Skagit River System Cooperative, Skagit Watershed Council, and of course–SFEG!

Meet KayLani Siplin | Educator

After discovering her love for education while volunteering at the Seattle Aquarium, KayLani has been working with youth and adults through a variety of classroom and outdoor environmental education programs for the past 9 years. KayLani worked with SFEG as our Americorps Education Associate and she is passionate about salmon recovery.

Meet Kurt Buchanan | Fish Biologist

Kurt Buchanan has worked as a fish biologist in the Skagit Valley since 1988. He is a fish biologist,  SFEG volunteer, and has sat on our board for many years. Kurt shares valuable information with us about the brand new Maddox Creek stream channel, and more!